Monday, August 13, 2007

My Two Favorite Faces

I look forward to the day that their eyes meet for the first time.....

He asked today where we were going to hang her flatscreen TV in her room?!?! He said she needed to be able to watch her videos from anywhere in the room. Can you tell that someone will soon be wrapped around a little finger....


Cameo said...

Ha! Norm was moving the laptop into the bedroom so she could listen to music in case she woke up! AND he burned V's Spanish music CD onto his iPod DURING our VISIT trip so she can listen to it on the PICKUP TRIP!!!! Isn't it so cool and amazing to see such a different side of our husbands? At least it's a complete 180 of Norm as I have known him. Well, he's pretty smitten with Asa, but it's still different w/ his baby girl! So funny.....

Ginger--Maya's mommy said...

That is soooo sweet!!!!

Kerry said...

Hahahaha! That's hilarious...I don't know how babies ever got along in the world without flat screen tvs!

I think he's caught the baby girl bug!

Melissa said...

Praying that your two favorite faces will soon meet!

Soltana said...

SOOO funny... I wish I had a flat screen!!!

They're gonna be too cute together :)

Anonymous said...

I think she will have two parents that are wrapped around her finger.

Courtney said...

Too funny !!!!! My husband also wanted to hang a flat screen in her bedroom. That is hilarious. I was almost sold on it. How nice to be able to have a tv/dvd player right in her room ...Will you do it? Courtney

Farrah said...

Oh daddy's are wonders when there little girls meet. I know after our visit trip Jed was totally won over.

I wish I had a flat screen, Can I come stay in her suite...

The SUITE life of Annalise

Sharon and Olivia Grace said...

There is nothing sweeter than Daddy's Little Girl!!!