Thursday, November 08, 2007

Check, Check ChaBoom!!

Got the news today!

New Birth Certificate-CHECK



Come On, PINK!!


Deann said...

I am so excited for you! I am assuming, since I am not in this process, that pink is your last hurdle and then you can get your little angel? Can you just taste her and how close you are to bringing her home? Congrats!! You and Adam deserve her!!

Jenny and Matt said...

Alright! Chuggin' right along!

Sharon and Olivia Grace said...

Yay!!!! You are catching up to us!!! We just might travel at the same time after all!!! Come on PINK, Analise and Olivia want to come home!!!!


Madelyn's Mommy said...

It won't be long at all! I am so happy for you! Analise, Mommy and Daddy are coming!!!


Sarah said...

Yeah Baby!!! Come on PINK!!!


Alleen said...

Can I hear a woot, woot??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!! On the home stretch baby girl!

Emily said...

Come on pink!!!!!!!!!!!

Melissa said...

So happy that everything is moving right along post-PGN. Analise, your mommy and daddy will be coming to get you very soon!

Ginger--Maya's mommy said...


Jenn said...

WOW!!! You guys are moving along! Come on Pink!!!

Jill said...

Wooo, Hooo! come on PINK!

nikki said...

Lets go PINK!!!!!!!!1

Terry said...

Are you wearing pink every day yet? :)

You're almost there!! (Or maybe I should say she's almost here!) Either's almost over! Come on PINK!!!


Ellie said...

Ok.... Any minute now, I am thinking you are going to post your pink!!!!


Kristin said...

WOO-HOO!!!!!!!! It won't be long now, Shannon!!!!!!

Stalking you!!!!


The Mac Fam said...

yay!! So, I guess we are praying for pink. Can't wait to hear. So thrilled for you both.

Soltana said...

OMG I am sooooo excited... LET'S GO PINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!