Monday, December 10, 2007

Reality Check

Yesterday was reality check day. I do believe there isn't anything harder than being sick yourself and trying to care for your child at the same time. There is no sitting on the couch and sipping 7-Up. No, no you must carry on and continue to change the explosions that happen at any given moment!!

Yeah, so I was sick yesterday but perfectly fine today. Today, my SIL is sick so pray that she gets better before our appointment tomorrow.

Here is an explosive pick of me and Analise. My dear SIL decided to snap a pic before actually helping me to save the outfit. Notice I already have it on my arm!!! GROSS!!! I think I laughed so hard I cried!!

Just to save face I will post a cute pic too. This bow is so ridiculous that I
love it!!


Gail said...

Oh Shannon!! I hope both you and your sil are feeling better.
That is a pretty nasty pictures, the first one that is. The second is adorable.

Madelyn's Mommy said...

I am so sorry you were sick but I had to laugh at that pic. I enlarged it. The second picture is just adorable. I love the bow. I hope you all get to feeling better soon!


Terry said...

You're right! Being sick yourself and having a sick baby is not an easy task! But you look like you're doing a great job....poop and all!


nikki said...

Looks like you are doing great even with being sick!!!
The bow picture is adorable!!!!

Stacie said...

So sorry you have been sick! Hope you both are feeling MUCH better today! She is just adorable!

Love that bow!

Ginger--Maya's mommy said...

Glad you are feeling better. I LOVE the bow.

Kerry said...

Sorry to laugh at your misery, but that first pic is hilarious! I've been have to laugh, or you would cry!

Anonymous said...

OMG- she is gorgeous in that 2nd pic!! I am so sorry you guys are not well!! Praying for restoration of health all the way around!!!

Soltana said...

Hop eyour both feeling better for TOMORROW!!!

The explosion.... tooo funny!!! There are many more to come.
When Derek and Cerah were teething that was the only way we knew...MAJOR explosions...I thought we would need to get new carpet if you know what I mean!!


Shelby said...

Sorry you guys were/are under the weather. I hope your SIL is better for the appt. She is adorable and she looks soooo happy. Congrats on picking her up.

Sarah said...

Awww... what a beautiful baby! I just love that picture of her! I am sorry about the explosion and the sickies! Hope all is better tomorrow! Carry a change of clothes with you!

JuJu - said...

new pics of my cyber niece please:):)

SOOOOO happy for you guys:)


Ginger--Maya's mommy said...

Okay, I have been stalking all day for Embassy Day pics.

Farrah said...

I'm with Julia...Give us some pics please...

Also let us know how your appt went or is it like Next post in the U.S.A.????

Hope you are both feeling better!

The Mac Fam said...

Ok this is nuts, I have been checking like 8 times a day for 2 days now. We are dying to know how it went. Hurry and fill us in. Love ya.

Farrah said...

Okay so are you home or what??? Your killing us all here if I do say so myself

metromom said...

UMMMMM!!!! Update!

Laurie said...

Congrats on being home! BTDT many times with the diaper full of presents! Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a New Year full of blessings!