Tuesday, October 23, 2007

HAPPY 8mths. Analise

Here's a little journey through Analise's first 8mths. We are still waiting on news. Wouldn't tomorrow,the 24th, her actual 8mth birthday, be an awesome day to find out??

Referral-4 Days Old

March-5 Weeks








Jill said...

I keep blog-stalking for your OUT this week... tomorrow sounds good to me, You? I think then tomorrow it is - Jill said so, PGN. LET HER OOOOOOUUUUUTTTTT. Do you think it will work? fingers crossed!

LouLou said...

I vote for TOMORROW. Sounds great to me.....that would make a great 8 month b-day present!!!! COME ON PGN! Shannon needs this girlie home!

Soltana said...


I'm still stalking your mom until you get home..and then when you get home too !!!

Anonymous said...

i hope tomorrow is the big day we are praying for analise and she is so sweet i just want to squeeze and kiss those sweet cheeks. love you

JuJu - said...

Praying for good news today!!!!!!!

Happy 8 months old sweet baby girl - we all love you and are praying you home to your sweet family:)


Gail said...

Happy 8 Months Analise!!
Wouldn't it be great to get out of PGN for your birthday? I hope it happens.

Deann said...

She is just too cute!! Praying you hear the news today! And that very soon you and Adam will be holding her in her new home!!

Melissa said...

Happy 8 Months, Analise! I think getting out of PGN would be a great present for all of you! I am praying it will happen today.

The Mac Fam said...

so amazingly cute. you are so blessed. your waiting is almost over.

Sharon and Olivia Grace said...

Happy 8 Months pretty girl!!
It's a great day to hear that you are approved and out of PGN!!! I am praying that you hear something by the end of today!!!

Did you get your DVD yet?? It should be coming, you're gonna love it!!!!


Unknown said...

I have checked your blog 3 times a day, waiting for news! Tomorrow! Tomorrow! Tomorrow!

Doripink said...

She just gets cuter and cuter!
I am praying for OUT tomorrow!

Emily said...

Happy 8 months Analise! Sorry I haven't commented in awhile, but I have been checking back a lot looking for your good news!

Stacie said...

HAPPY 8 MONTHS ANALISE!! Hope today is the day we find out you're COMING HOME!!!

Praying for your soon HOMECOMING!

Emily said...

Happy 8 months! You've got some wonferful pics posted from your journey! I still have a strong feeling the call is coming this week-- and it sounds like tomorrow would be perect!! :-)


jajbs said...

Praying, praying, praying!!!!
